Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Google World Domination Imminent!

I now have a website for The Gender Divide. You can visit it via the links section in my blog or at So how does Google World Domination fit into this?

I was looking at setting up a website and all the options I looked at cost money. Not a lot, admittedly, but I'd prefer to spend money on more direct forms of promotion. I was already using Google for this blog as well as Google Analytics to track the traffic so I got to wondering if Google had something for web pages and as it turns out they do.

Hmm, I think I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Google Blog, Google Analytics, Google Pages. For someone who didn't even use Google search before - I prefer Vivisimo due to its clustering feature - I'm now suddenly an avid Google user. It's easy to see why people love Google. Their products are fast, easy to use and - best of all - free. If they keep this up can World Domination be far behind?


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